Package it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model
package it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model
ClassDescriptionAn enumeration which defines the assistant cards inside a
's deck.This class models the actual bag in the board game, which initially contains all the students discs.This class contains the game objects that every player can interact with.A class which contains the representation of a game and its objects, used as a payload for theBoardUpdate
message.The possible colors of the student discs and the professors, with the relativeColor.realm
.This class models a dining room, which is a student container with a maximum capacity of 10 students for every color.A class representing all the constants parameters of the game itself.This class represents the current state of a game, including all game objects and participating players.This class represents a group of islands, which contains at least one island.A class which represents a human being playing the game.AGameManager
helper class to handle the players of the game, in particular for the variability of the turn order.This class represents the association between eachColor
's professor and its respective owner.This class models aPlayer
's school board: it contains an entrance and a dining room (bothStudentContainer
s) and an integer representing the number of towers it contains.This class provides a container for student discs.An enumeration which defines the tower color chosen by aPlayer
.An enumeration which defines the available card backs.