Class MushroomGuy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MushroomGuy extends InfluenceCharacterCard
Represents the "mushroom guy" character card and the corresponding effect.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MushroomGuy

      public MushroomGuy(GameManager gameManager)
      Constructs a new MushroomGuy character card.
      gameManager - Reference to the GameManager for the current game.
  • Method Details

    • applyEffect

      public void applyEffect(List<Color> sourceColors, List<Color> destinationColors, Color targetColor, IslandGroup targetIsland) throws InvalidArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: CharacterCard
      Activates this card and applies the effect. If it is the first time also increases the cost for next activations. Only some arguments might be used for a specific character card effect.
      Specified by:
      applyEffect in interface CharacterCard
      applyEffect in class InfluenceCharacterCard
      sourceColors - a list of student colors selected from the source
      destinationColors - a list of student colors selected from the destination
      targetColor - the color selected for the effect
      targetIsland - the island selected for the effect
      InvalidArgumentException - if one or more parameters are illegal