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SceneName - Enum Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui
An enumeration to map *.fxml files to a name.
SchoolBoard - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model
This class models a Player's school board: it contains an entrance and a dining room (both StudentContainers) and an integer representing the number of towers it contains.
SchoolBoard(int, int) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.SchoolBoard
Constructs a SchoolBoard initially containing the maximum number of towers, with an empty entrance of maximum size according to the game rules and an empty diningRoom.
SCHOOLBOARD - Enum constant in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.SceneName
SchoolBoardController - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers
A class representing the controller for the SCHOOLBOARD scene.
SchoolBoardController() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.SchoolBoardController
SELECT_CLOUD - Enum constant in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.PhaseName
selectCloud(String, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Handles the choice of a cloud tile from which the player takes new student discs.
SelectCloud - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.messages.client
A GameMessage sent by a client in order to inform the server of the cloud tile literal specified by the user in the current action phase.
SelectCloud(String, int) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.messages.client.SelectCloud
SelectCloudHandler - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases
This concrete implementation for the state design pattern involving MessageHandler defines how the action phase message SelectCloud should be processed.
SelectCloudHandler(Game) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.SelectCloudHandler
Constructs a new SelectCloudHandler for the specified game.
selectColor(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.CharacterCardsController
Adds the selected color to the arguments of the effect of the selected character card.
selectIsland(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.CharacterCardsController
Sets the targetIsland argument of the effect of the selected character card.
sendBoardUpdate() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Sends a BoardUpdate message to every player.
sendBoardUpdate(PhaseName) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Sends a BoardUpdate message with the current PhaseName to every player.
sendHandshake(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
Checks if the username is valid and sends a Handshake message to the server.
sendHelp(HelpRequest) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Sends a HelpResponse detailing the possible user actions to the client which sent the HelpRequest.
sendHelp(HelpRequest) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.server.Server
Handles the processing of a HelpRequest communication item.
sendInitialBoardStatus() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Sends an InitialBoardStatus message to every player.
sendReconnect() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
Checks if a reconnection is available and sends a Reconnect message to the server.
sendReconnectUpdate(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.GameSetupHandler
sendReconnectUpdate(String) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.MessageHandler
Sends a broadcast update after the specified user's reconnection in order to make sure every player has the information they need in order to play.
sendReconnectUpdate(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.MotherNatureDestinationHandler
sendReconnectUpdate(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.MoveStudentHandler
sendReconnectUpdate(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.PlayAssistantCardHandler
sendReconnectUpdate(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.phases.SelectCloudHandler
sendUpdate(UserActionUpdate, boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Sends the specified UserActionUpdate message to every player.
Server - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.server
This class represents the application server thread.
Server(int) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.server.Server
Constructs a Server object, starting the ServerSocket.
setApp(GraphicalApplication) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.Controller
Sets an internal reference to the GUI application.
setAvailableCards(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
A setter for the Client.availableCards attribute.
setBoardStatus(BoardStatus) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
A setter for the Client.boardStatus attribute.
setCharacterCard(Integer) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
Sets the Client.characterCard attribute to save the selected character card while choosing the requested arguments.
setClient(Client) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.Controller
Sets an internal reference to the client who launched the GUI application.
setClient(Client) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.GraphicalApplication
Sets the GraphicalApplication.client static attribute with a reference to the Client.
setClient(Client) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.UserInterface
Sets the reference to the client.
setController(Player) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.IslandGroup
Sets the island's controller to newController, unless it is null, in which case the controller stays the same.
setCurrentPlayer(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.GameManager
Sets the current player to the player matching currentPlayerNickname.
setCurrentPlayers(int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.GameInfo
Sets the number of players currently participating in the referenced game to the specified value.
setEventHandlers() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.SchoolBoardController
Sets the event handlers for the MouseClicked event on the entrance and dining room if the schoolboard that is showing is the one of the player.
setFirst(Player) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.PlayerList
A setter for the Player who is entitled to play as first in the current round.
setGame(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.server.ClientConnection
Sets the connection's game reference to the specified Game.
setGameId(int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
A setter for the Client.gameId attribute.
setHorizontal(char) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.cli.GridBuilder
Sets the character used to make horizontal lines.
setJoinedLobby(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.server.ClientConnection
Sets the joinedLobby member variable to the specified value.
setMotherNatureMovements(int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Player
A setter for the number of allowed Mother Nature's movements for a Player's object during the current turn.
setNextPlayer(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.messages.server.UserActionUpdate
A setter for the username of the next player who is eligible for an action.
setReturnNoEntryTile(Consumer<Integer>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Board
Sets the returnTile attribute to returnTileFunction.
setRunning(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
Synchronized method to set the Client.running attribute.
setRunning(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.server.ClientConnection
Sets the running member variable to the specified value.
setSelected(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.SchoolBoardController
Sets the selected color or character card.
setShowError(Consumer<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.Controller
Sets the error show process coded within a Consumer.
setShowError(Consumer<String>) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.GraphicalApplication
Sets a reference to the UserInterface.showError(String) method as a Consumer of String.
setShowInfo(Consumer<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.Controller
Sets the information show process coded within a Consumer.
setShowInfo(Consumer<String>) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.GraphicalApplication
Sets a reference to the UserInterface.showInfo(String) method as a Consumer of String.
setText(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.WaitingRoomController
Sets the name of the lobby.
setTowerColor(TowerColor) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Player
A setter for the TowerColor of a Player's object.
setTowerColor(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
Sets the tower color selected by the player and tries to send the selection to the server.
setTowerColor(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.WaitingRoomController
Sets the user's TowerColor literal and shows the next popup.
setup() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Sets up the game by setting the started flag to true, setting the game manager and the setting the starting message handler.
setup() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Board
Sets up the game by placing Mother Nature on a random island and placing a random student on each island, excluding the one with Mother Nature on it and the one opposite to it.
setupBoard() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.GameManager
Prepares the game by setting up the board and, if the game is in expert mode, the selected character cards.
setupDraw() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Bag
Sets up the islands at the start of the game.
setupEffect() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.characters.BaseCharacterCard
setupEffect() - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.characters.CharacterCard
Prepares this card to be activated.
setupEffect() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.characters.ContainerCharacterCard
setupEffect() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.characters.HerbGranny
setupEntrances() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.GameManager
Prepares the game by setting up every player's school board entrance, filling it with the appropriate number of student discs.
setupPlayer(String, String, String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Sets up a player with the specified parameters.
setupPlayer(String, String, String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.GameManager
A method to complete the setup of a Player in the game.
setupRound() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.GameManager
Prepares the board for a new round to be played by refilling the cloud tiles.
setUsername(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
A setter for the Client.username attribute.
setVertical(char) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.cli.GridBuilder
Sets the character used to make vertical lines.
setWizard(Wizard) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Player
A setter for the Wizard of a Player's object.
setWizard(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.Client
Sets the wizard selected by the player and tries to send the selection to the server.
setWizard(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.WaitingRoomController
Sets the user's Wizard literal.
showError - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.Controller
showError(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.cli.CommandLineInterface
showError(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.GraphicalUserInterface
Shows an error alert with the given message.
showError(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.UserInterface
Shows an error message to the user.
showInfo - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.controllers.Controller
showInfo(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.cli.CommandLineInterface
showInfo(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.GraphicalUserInterface
Shows an information alert with the given message.
showInfo(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.UserInterface
Shows an information message to the user.
showSchoolBoard() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.cli.CommandLineInterface
Prints the current status of the player's schoolboard.
showSchoolBoard(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.cli.CommandLineInterface
Prints the current status of a player's schoolboard.
showStickyPopup(PopupName) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.GraphicalApplication
Shows a popup on the screen (on top of the main scene).
SKY - Enum constant in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Wizard
SNOW - Enum constant in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Wizard
SpoiledPrincess - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.characters
Represents the "spoiled princess" character card and the corresponding effect.
SpoiledPrincess(Bag, Supplier<Player>) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.characters.SpoiledPrincess
Constructs a new SpoiledPrincess character card.
start() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.controller.Game
Starts the game and notifies each player about the initial status of the game objects.
start(Stage) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.client.gui.GraphicalApplication
Calls the GraphicalApplication.initialize() method and then sets up the primary stage and starts the graphical application.
stringLiterals() - Static method in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Color
A method to convert the enumeration values into String.
stringLiterals() - Static method in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.TowerColor
A method to convert the enumeration values into String.
stringLiterals() - Static method in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.Wizard
A method to convert the enumeration values into String.
StudentContainer - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model
This class provides a container for student discs.
StudentContainer() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.StudentContainer
Constructs a StudentContainer with maximum size equal to the total number of student discs in the game (130).
StudentContainer(int) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.StudentContainer
Constructs an empty StudentContainer with the specified maximum size.
swap(StudentContainer, Color, Color) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.eriantys.model.StudentContainer
Swaps two student discs between this and that: one student of color thisColor is removed from this and added to that, and one student of color thatColor is removed from that and added to this.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form